Replace “youtube” with “listentoyoutube” in the URL and paste it in your address bar to download the audio of the video.

When a video buffers, press the up arrow to start playing the snake game.

Replace “youtube” with “ssyoutube” in the URL and paste it in your address bar to download the video in any quality available.

Replace “youtube” with “nsfwyoutube” and paste it in your address bar to bypass age restriction.

Replace “youtube” with “listenonrepeat” in the URL and paste it in your address bar to repeat the video automatically

Replace “youtube” with “gifyoutube” in the URL and paste it in your address bar to convert video into gif format .

Use / Explore to mix youtube videos to create mashups.

Avoid Ads // will occasionally show ads // will not show ads

Note: on mobile devices, use the "Request Desktop Site" feature.

Just to let you know, this page was last updated Saturday, Feb 08 25