The Clean Coder: A Code of Conduct for Professional Programmers

The Clean Coder: A Code of Conduct for Professional Programmers
Publisher: Prentice Hall
Pub. Date: May 13, 2011
Print ISBN-10: 0-13-708107-3
Print ISBN-13: 978-0-13-708107-3
Web ISBN-10: 0-13-254291-9
Web ISBN-13: 978-0-13-254291-3

Estimate = Distribution

An estimate is a distribution.
Do not commit unless you know you will succeed.
If you change your behaviour in a crisis, then you don't trly believe in your normal behaviour.
Don't Panic - rushing causes more problems. Slow down and plot out the best possible outcome.
When the going gets rough, trust your disciplines. If you follow TDD, write more tests than usual. If you are a merciless refactoere, refator even more.
Rely on what you already knw works.
'...cocoonlike immersion of focus.'
Understand the code you are writing and how the business will benefit from it.

List Of Warnings For Software Professionals

Here is a minimal list of the things that every software professional should be conversant with:
  • Design patterns. You ought to be able to describe all 24 patterns in the GOF book and have a working knowledge of many of the patterns in the POSA books.
  • Design principles. You should know the SOLID principles and have a good understanding of the component principles.
  • Methods. You should understand XP, Scrum, Lean, Kanban, Waterfall, Structured Analysis, and Structured Design.
  • Disciplines. You should practice TDD, Object-Oriented design, Structured Programming, Continuous Integration, and Pair Programming.
  • Artifacts: You should know how to use: UML, DFDs, Structure Charts, Petri Nets, State Transition Diagrams and Tables, flow charts, and decision tables.

Test, Test and Test Again

Build test code first, make test cases and when they fail, build the code to make them work. Then test again. If it fails, write more code.
In order to do so I would need to separate the front end from the code.  I would have to start by laying out the public side of the page. Then layer on the code to make it work. Then layer on the admin code to make the page work (where applicable).
Professionals are not required to say yes to everything that is asked of them. However, they should work hard to find creative ways to make “yes” possible. When professionals say yes, they use the language of commitment so that there is no doubt about what they’ve promised.


Coding is an intellectually challenging and exhausting activity. It requires a level of concentration and focus that few other disciplines require. The reason for this is that coding requires you to juggle many competing factors at once.
  1. First, your code must work. You must understand what problem you are solving and understand how to solve that problem. You must ensure that the code you write is a faithful representation of that solution. You must manage every detail of that solution while remaining consistent within the language, platform, current architecture, and all the warts of the current system.
  2. Your code must solve the problem set for you by the customer. Often the customer’s requirements do not actually solve the customer’s problems. It is up to you to see this and negotiate with the customer to ensure that the customer’s true needs are met.
  3. Your code must fit well into the existing system. It should not increase the rigidity, fragility, or opacity of that system. The dependencies must be well-managed. In short, your code needs to follow solid engineering principles.
  4. Your code must be readable by other programmers. This is not simply a matter of writing nice comments. Rather, it requires that you craft the code in such a way that it reveals your intent. This is hard to do. Indeed, this may be the most difficult thing a programmer can master.
    If you are tired or distracted, 
    do not code
    . You’ll only wind up redoing what you did. Instead, find a way to eliminate the distractions and settle your mind.

Stop The Presses!

  1. Acceptance Tests and Unit Tests

    Acceptance tests are not unit tests. Unit tests are written by programmers for programmers. They are formal design documents that describe the lowest level structure and behavior of the code. The audience is programmers, not business.
    Acceptance tests are written by the business for the business (even when you, the developer, end up writing them). They are formal requirements documents that specify how the system should behave from the business’ point of view. The audience is the business and the programmers.
    It can be tempting to try to eliminate “extra work” by assuming that the two kinds of tests are redundant. Although it is true that unit and acceptance tests often test the same things, they are not redundant at all.
    First, although they may test the same things, they do so through different mechanisms and pathways. Unit tests dig into the guts of the system making calls to methods in particular classes. Acceptance tests invoke the system much farther out, at the API or sometimes even UI level. So the execution pathways that these tests take are very different.
    But the real reason these tests aren’t redundant is that their primary function is not testing. The fact that they are tests is incidental. Unit tests and acceptance tests are documents first, and tests second. Their primary purpose is to formally document the design, structure, and behavior of the system. The fact that they automatically verify the design, structure, and behavior that they specify is wildly useful, but the specification is their true purpose.

    GUIs and Other Complications

    It is hard to specify GUIs up front. It can be done, but it is seldom done well. The reason is that the aesthetics are subjective and therefore volatile. People want to fiddle with GUIs. They want to massage and manipulate them. They want to try different fonts, colors, page-layouts, and workflows. GUIs are constantly in flux.
    This makes it challenging to write acceptance tests for GUIs. The trick is to design the system so that you can treat the GUI as though it were an API rather than a set of buttons, sliders, grids, and menus. This may sound strange, but it’s really just good design.
    There is a design principle called the Single Responsibility Principle (SRP). This principle states that you should separate those things that change for different reasons, and group together those things that change for the same reasons. GUIs are no exception.
    The layout, format, and workflow of the GUI will change for aesthetic and efficiency reasons, but the underlying capability of the GUI will remain the same despite these changes. Therefore, when writing acceptance tests for a GUI you take advantage of the underlying abstractions that don’t change very frequently.
    For example, there may be several buttons on a page. Rather than creating tests that click on those buttons based on their positions on the page, you may be able to click on them based on their names. Better yet, perhaps they each have a unique IDthat you can use. It is much better to write a test that selects the button whose ID is ok_button than it is to select the button in column 3 of row 4 of the control grid.
    Testing through the Right Interface
    Better still is to write tests that invoke the features of the underlying system through a real API rather than through the GUI. This API should be the same API used by the GUI. This is nothing new. Design experts have been telling us for decades to separate our GUIs from our business rules.
    Testing through the GUI is always problematic unless you are testing just the GUI. The reason is that the GUI is likely to change, making the tests very fragile. When every GUI change breaks a thousand tests, you are either going to start throwing the tests away or you are going to stop changing the GUI. Neither of those are good options. So write your business rule tests to go through an API just below the GUI.
    Some acceptance tests specify the behavior of the GUI itself. These tests must go through the GUI. However, these tests do not test business rules and therefore don’t require the business rules to be connected to the GUI. Therefore, it is a good idea to decouple the GUI and the business rules and replace the business rules with stubs while testing the GUI itself.
    Keep the GUI tests to a minimum. They are fragile, because the GUI is volatile. The more GUI tests you have the less likely you are to keep them.

    Continuous Integration

    Make sure that all your unit tests and acceptance tests are run several times per day in a continuous integration system. This system should be triggered by your source code control system. Every time someone commits a module, the CI system should kick off a build, and then run all the tests in the system. The results of that run should be emailed to everyone on the team.
    Stop the Presses
    It is very important to keep the CI tests running at all times. They should never fail. If they fail, then the whole team should stop what they are doing and focus on getting the broken tests to pass again. A broken build in the CI system should be viewed as an emergency, a “stop the presses” event.
    I have consulted for teams that failed to take broken tests seriously. They were “too busy” to fix the broken tests so they set them aside, promising to fix them later. In one case the team actually took the broken tests out of the build because it was so inconvenient to see them fail. Later, after releasing to the customer, they realized that they had forgotten to put those tests back into the build. They learned this because an angry customer was calling them with bug reports.

Communication about details is hard. This is especially true for programmers and stakeholders communicating about the details of an application. It is too easy for each party to wave their hands and assume that the other party understands. All too often both parties agree that they understand and leave with completely different ideas.

The only way I know of to effectively eliminate communication errors between programmers and stakeholders is to write automated acceptance tests. These tests are so formal that they execute. They are completely unambiguous, and they cannot get out of sync with the application. They are the perfect requirements document.

The Test Automation Pyramid

Professional developers employ the discipline of Test Driven Development to create unit tests. Professional development teams use acceptance tests to specify their system, and continuous integration (Chapter 7, page 110) to prevent regression. But these tests are only part of the story. As good as it is to have a suite of unit and acceptance tests, we also need higher-level tests to ensure that QA finds nothing. Figure 8-1 shows the Test Automation Pyramid,[2] a graphical depiction of the kinds of tests that a professional development organization needs.

Unit Tests

At the bottom of the pyramid are the unit tests. These tests are written by programmers, for programmers, in the programming language of the system. The intent of these tests is to specify the system at the lowest level. Developers write these tests before writing production code as a way to specify what they are about to write. They are executed as part of Continuous Integration to ensure that the intent of the programmers’ is upheld.
Unit tests provide as close to 100% coverage as is practical. Generally this number should be somewhere in the 90s. And it should be true coverage as opposed to false tests that execute code without asserting its behavior.

Component Tests

These are some of the acceptance tests mentioned in the previous chapter. Generally they are written against individual components of the system. The components of the system encapsulate the business rules, so the tests for those components are the acceptance tests for those business rules
As depicted in Figure 8-2 a component test wraps a component. It passes input data into the component and gathers output data from it. It tests that the output matches the input. Any other system components are decoupled from the test using appropriate mocking and test-doubling techniques.
Component tests are written by QA and Business with assistance from development. They are composed in a component-testing environment such as FITNESSE, JBehave, or Cucumber. (GUI components are tested with GUI testing environments such as Selenium or Watir.) The intent is that the business should be able to read and interpret these tests, if not author them.
Component tests cover roughly half the system. They are directed more towards happy-path situations and very obvious corner, boundary, and alternate-path cases. The vast majority of unhappy-path cases are covered by unit tests and are meaningless at the level of component tests.

Integration Tests

These tests only have meaning for larger systems that have many components. As shown in Figure 8-3, these tests assemble groups of components and test how well they communicate with each other. The other components of the system are decoupled as usual with appropriate mocks and test-doubles.
Integration tests are choreography tests. They do not test business rules. Rather, they test how well the assembly of components dances together. They are plumbing tests that make sure that the components are properly connected and can clearly communicate with each other.
Integration tests are typically written by the system architects, or lead designers, of the system. The tests ensure that the architectural structure of the system is sound. It is at this level that we might see performance and throughput tests.
Integration tests are typically written in the same language and environment as component tests. They are typically notexecuted as part of the Continuous Integration suite, because they often have longer runtimes. Instead, these tests are run periodically (nightly, weekly, etc.) as deemed necessary by their authors.

System Tests

These are automated tests that execute against the entire integrated system. They are the ultimate integration tests. They do not test business rules directly. Rather, they test that the system has been wired together correctly and its parts interoperate according to plan. We would expect to see throughput and performance tests in this suite.
These tests are written by the system architects and technical leads. Typically they are written in the same language and environment as integration tests for the UI. They are executed relatively infrequently depending on their duration, but the more frequently the better.
System tests cover perhaps 10% of the system. This is because their intent is not to ensure correct system behavior, but correct system construction. The correct behavior of the underlying code and components have already been ascertained by the lower layers of the pyramid.

Manual Exploratory Tests

This is where humans put their hands on the keyboards and their eyes on the screens. These tests are not automated, nor are they scripted. The intent of these tests is to explore the system for unexpected behaviors while confirming expected behaviors. Toward that end we need human brains, with human creativity, working to investigate and explore the system. Creating a written test plan for this kind of testing defeats the purpose.
Some teams will have specialists do this work. Other teams will simply declare a day or two of “bug hunting” in which as many people as possible, including managers, secretaries, programmers, testers, and tech writers, “bang” on the system to see if they can make it break.
The goal is not coverage. We are not going to prove out every business rule and every execution pathway with these tests. Rather, the goal is to ensure that the system behaves well under human operation and to creatively find as many “peculiarities” as possible.

The Details

Programmers are detail managers. That’s what we do. We specify the behavior of systems in the minutest detail. We happen to use textual languages for this (code) because textual languages are remarkably convenient (consider English, for example).
What kinds of details do we manage?
Do you know the difference between the two characters \n and \r? The first, \n, is a line feed. The second, \r, is a carriage return. What’s a carriage?
In the ’60s and early ’70s one of the more common output devices for computers was a teletype. The model ASR33[2] was the most common.
This device consisted of a print head that could print ten characters per second. The print head was composed of a little cylinder with the characters embossed upon it. The cylinder would rotate and elevate so that the correct character was facing the paper, and then a little hammer would smack the cylinder against the paper. There was an ink ribbon between the cylinder and the paper, and the ink transferred to the paper in the shape of the character.
The print head rode on a carriage. With every character the carriage would move one space to the right, taking the print head with it. When the carriage got to the end of the 72-character line, you had to explicitly return the carriage by sending the carriage return characters (\r = 0 × 0D), otherwise the print head would continue to print characters in the 72nd column, turning it into a nasty black rectangle.
Of course, that wasn’t sufficient. Returning the carriage did not raise the paper to the next line. If you returned the carriage and did not send a line-feed character (\n = 0 × 0A), then the new line would print on top of the old line.
Therefore, for an ASR33 teletype the end-of-line sequence was “\r\n”. Actually, you had to be careful about that since the carriage might take more than 100ms to return. If you sent “\n\r” then the next character just might get printed as the carriage returned, thereby creating a smudged character in the middle of the line. To be safe, we often padded the end-of-line sequence with one or two rubout[3] characters (0 × FF).
[3] Rubout characters were very useful for editing paper tapes. By convention, rubout characters were ignored. Their code, 0×FF, meant that every hole on that row of the tape was punched. This meant that any character could be converted to a rubout by overpunching it. Therefore, if you made a mistake while typing your program you could backspace the punch and hit rubout, then continue typing.
In the ’70s, as teletypes began to fade from use, operating systems like UNIX shortened the end-of-line sequence to simply ‘\n’. However, other operating systems, like DOS, continued to use the ‘\r\n’ convention.
When was the last time you had to deal with text files that use the “wrong” convention? I face this problem at least once a year. Two identical source files don’t compare, and don’t generate identical checksums, because they use different line ends. Text editors fail to word-wrap properly, or double space the text because the line ends are “wrong.” Programs that don’t expect blank lines crash because they interpret ‘\r\n’ as two lines. Some programs recognize ‘\r\n’ but don’t recognize ‘\n\r’. And so on.
That’s what I mean by detail. Try coding the horrible logic for sorting out line ends in UML!

These are notes I made after reading this book. See more book notes

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