- Above the Fold: Understanding the Principles of Successful Web Site De
- Adapting to Web Standards
- Art of Non-Conformity
- Art of Readable Code
- Art of SEO
- Back to the User
- Beginning PHP6, Apache, MySQL Web Development
- Book Notes
- Books to Read
- Bored and Brilliant
- Born For This
- Choosing A Vocation
- Complete E-Commerce Book
- Content Inc
- Core PHP Programming
- CRM Fundamentals
- CSS Text
- Dealing with Difficult People
- Defensive Design for the Web
- Deliver First Class Web sites
- Design for Hackers: Reverse-Engineering Beauty
- Designing Web Interfaces
- Designing Web sites that Work: Usability for the Web
- Designing with Progressive Enhancement
- Developing Large Web Applications
- Developing with Web Standards
- Economics of Software Quality
- Effortless commerce with php and MySQL
- Epic Content Marketing
- Extending Bootstrap
- Foundation Version Control for Web Developers
- Guerrilla Marketing for a Bulletproof Career
- Hacking Web Apps
- Happiness At Work
- Implementing Responsive Design
- Inmates Are Running the Asylum
- Instant LESS CSS Preprocessor How-to
- jQuery Pocket Reference
- Letting Go of the Words
- Lost and Found: A Painfully Honest Field Guide to the Startup World
- Making Every Meeting Matter
- Manage Your Day to Day
- Marketing to Millenials
- Mobile First
- Monster Loyalty
- More Eric Meye on CSS
- Official Ubuntu Book
- Organized Home
- Pay Me… Or Else!
- Perennial Seller
- Pet Food Nation
- PHP 5 E commerce Development
- PHP In a NutShell
- PHP Refactoring
- PHP5 and MySQL Bible
- PHP5 CMS Framework Development
- PHP5 Power Programming
- Preventing Web Attacks with Apache
- Pro PHP and jQuery
- Professional LAMP
- Purple Cow: Transform Your Business
- Responsive Web Design with HTML and CSS3
- Responsive Web Design with HTML5 and CSS3
- Rules of Thumb
- Saleable Software
- Search Engine Optimization Secrets
- Securing PHP Web Applications
- Serving Online Customers
- Simple and Usable Web, Mobile and Interaction Design
- Smart Organizing
- Smashing UX Design: Foundations for Designing Online User Experiences
- Studies in History and Philosophy of Science
- Talent is Not Enough
- The 10x Rule
- The Benefits of Working with Git In Your Software Projects
- The Clean Coder
- The Herbal Handbook for Home & Health
- The Life-changing Magic of Tidying up
- The Modern Web
- Think First
- This Is Marketing
- Traction
- Version Control with Git, 2nd Edition
- Web Analytics 2.0: The Art of Online Accountability and Science of Cus
- Web Site Usability: A Designer's Guide
- Web Word Wizardry
- Web Word Wizardy
- Website Owner’s Manual
- Whats Stopping Me
- Work for Money, Design for Love
- Your Google® Game Plan for Success: Increasing Your Web Presence with
- Checklists I Have Collected or Created
- Crafts To Do
- Database and Data Relations Checklist
- Ecommerce Website Checklist
- Learning Stuff From Blogs
- My Front End UI Checklist
- New Client Needs Analysis
- Newsletters I Read
- Puzzles
- Style Guides
- User Review Questions
- Web Designer's SEO Checklist
- Web site Review
- Website Code Checklist
- Website Final Approval Form
- Writing Content For Your Website
- Writing Styleguide
- Writing Tips
- 7 essentialls of graphic design
- Accidental Creative
- Choosing the right color for your logo
- CMS Design
- Communicating Design: Developing Web Site Documentation for Design and
- Designing for Web Performance
- Eat That Frog
- Elements of User Experience
- Flexible Web Design
- Forms that Work: Designing Web Forms for Usability
- Homepage Usability
- Responsive Web Design
- Seductive Interaction Design: Creating Playful, Fun, and Effective Use
- Strategic Web Designer
- Submit Now: Designing Persuasive Web sites
- The Zen of CSS Design
- Complete Book of Potatoes
- Creating Custom Soil Mixes for Healthy, Happy Plants
- Edible Forest Garden
- Garden Design
- Gardening Tips and Tricks
- Gardens and History
- Herbs
- Houseplants
- Light Candle Levels
- My Garden
- My Garden To Plant
- Organic Fertilizers
- Organic Gardening in Alberta
- Plant Nurseries
- Plant Suggestions
- Planting Tips and Ideas
- Root Cellaring
- Things I Planted in My Yard
- Way We Garden Now
- Weed Decoder
- 101 Organic Gardening Hacks
- 2015 Herbal Almanac
- Beautiful No-Mow Lawns
- Beginner's Guide to Heirloom Vegetables
- Best of Lois Hole
- Design in Nature
- Eradicate Invasive Plants
- Gardening Books to Read
- Gardens West
- Grow Organic
- Grow Your own Herbs
- Guerilla Gardening
- Heirloom Life Gardener
- Hellstrip Gardening
- Indoor Gardening: The Organic Way
- Landscaping with Fruits and Vegetables
- Real Gardens Grow Natives
- Seed Underground
- Small plot, high yield gardening
- Thrifty Gardening from the Ground Up
- Vegetables
- Veggie Garden Remix
- Weeds: In Defense of Nature's Most Unloved Plants
- What Grows Here
- Activities for Kids
- Animals In My Yard
- Baking & Cooking Tips
- Bertrand Russell
- Can I Get that on Sale?
- Cleaning Tips and Tricks
- Colour Palettes I Like
- Compound Time
- Cooking Tips
- Crafts
- Crafts for Kids
- Household Tips
- Inspiration
- Interesting
- Interior Design
- Keywording & Tags
- Latin Phrases
- Laundry Tips
- Learn Something New
- Links, Information, and Cool Videos - Stuff for My Kids
- Music Websites for Parents and Kids
- My Miscellany
- Organizing
- Quotes
- Reading List
- Renovations
- Silly Sites
- Things that Make Me Laugh
- Videos to Watch
- Ways to Be Nice
- YouTube Hacks
- Bug Tracking Tool
- Business Tips
- Code Packages I Like on GitHub
- Content Management systems
- Creating Emails & Email Newsletters
- Games
- I Made A Framework
- Open Source
- Patterns, Textures and other media
- PHP Coding Standards
- Programming
- Project Verbs for to do lists
- Qualities of Creative Leaders
- Scalable Vector Graphics
- Software Design
- The Shell, Scripts and Such
- Writing Instructions
- Accessibility
- CSS Frameworks
- CSS Reading List
- CSS Sticky Footer
- Design of Sites
- htaccess files
- HTML Tips and Tricks
- Javascript (and jQuery)
- Landing Page Tips
- Making Better Websites
- More Information on CSS
- MySQL and Databases
- Navigation
- Responsive Design
- Robots.txt File
- Security and Secure Websites
- SVG Images
- Types of Content
- UI and UX and Design
- Web Design and Development
- Web Design Tools
- Web Error Codes
- Website Testing Checklist
- Writing for the Web
- Writing Ideas for your website
- Animations and Interactions
- Being a Better Designer
- Bootstrap Resources
- Color in Web Design
- Colour
- CSS Preprocessors: Sass and Less
- CSS Tips Tricks
- Customer Centered Design Myths
- Design Systems
- Designing User Interfaces
- Font & Typographical Inspiration
- Fonts, Typography, Letters & Symbols
- Icons
- Logo Designs
- Photoshop Tips and Tricks
- Sketch
- UX and UI and Design Reading List
- Web Forms
- Well Designed
Submit Now: Designing Persuasive Web sites
Your home page should answer the following questions:
- What does this website or company do?
- Who is this site for?
- What can you do on this site?
The home page should also
- show your logo
- include a tagline
Write compelling content from the user's point of view.
- Why should they buy? What are their needs/ what are their concerns?
- Explain the benefits of registering or a member's only section before they register.
- Establish online trust, provide assurances (safe shopping guarantee). Explain your security, explain your privacy policy, company's credibility, don't make obvious mistakes.
- Offer discount bundles, up sell.
- Always display a confirmation page and your email. Include support contact info, order number, order summary, shipping and/or billing address, payment method, FAQ link, return policy).
- Encourage customer feedback - surveys, email…
- Send acknowledgement email - include timeframe for formal response, phone number, real name. Accumulate responses in a database and use them in an FAQ eventually.
Product Listing Page
- Brief description (and price)
- Integrate price anchoring (list options together with prices to push user towards particular packages)
- Buy It Now link
- Allow for sorting - name, brand, price, date, featured items
- Allow for comparisons
Product Page
- Highlight features and benefits
- Provide lots of details
- Photos and image that provide answers
- User reviews
- Buy button
- Allow for navigation to next item in category
Case Studies
- Let client speak by putting them front and center in case study
- Testimonials or quotations
- Name and job title
- Make client real
- Include images
- Problem, solution and result
- Include printable version
- Include call to action button (ex. Contact).
- Visible
- Clickable
- prioritize (make important ones stand out)
- use descriptive labels
- supporting text
Shopping Carts
- Make it clear items are added
- Show shipping costs in cart
- enable users to continue shopping
- Big submit order button
- Order confirmation page
- Explain process
- Put cursor in first field
- Show progress
- Fix the tab order
- Integrate help
- Provide confirmation
Contact Us Page
- Spell out email address, do not hide it in a link
- Let them know the response time
- State hours of operation
- Provide map with address
- Is it clear where users should start navigating to accomplish their goals?
- Can users tell what your site offers? Do they perceive your whole range of products and services?
- Do you make it easy for users to navigate through related content, products, or services? How do you encourage users to wander around your site?
- What educational material do you provide to help your users become confident evaluators?
- Is it immediately obvious to your users why they need your products or services? If not, how do you intend to make them aware?
- Does the site stimulate users to recognize unrealized needs?
- How will you enable your users to quickly evaluate between options?
- How do you prove that your product or service is worth purchasing? Do you provide enough detail for users to want it?
- Does your content explain the features and benefits of your products and services?
- Are the right photos or images incorporated in your content to show off your products and services in the best possible light?
- Do you provide design tools or calculators to help users determine their own specific solution?
- Do you allow users to get a real sense of how your product or service works? Do you need to provide a demo?
- Do you make it easy for your users to transact at any time throughout the site?
- Do you allow your users to continue with a transaction that they previously started?
- How do you support users that already know what they want?
- Do you specify any requirements that users have to fulfill up front before they start the transaction?
- Do you provide guarantees or assurances to help users overcome any hesitancy regarding transacting online?
- How do you motivate your users to complete their transaction immediately? What sorts of incentives or disincentives do you incorporate?
- How do you intend to draw your customers back to your site?
- How do you enable customers to solve their own problems or answer their own questions?
- How do you enable customers to vent and receive a quick resolution to their problems?
- How do you make it easier for customers to conduct the next transaction?
- What incentives do you provide customers to do business with you again?
Interview Your Users
- What would it take to get you to purchase this product or service right now?
- What problems or negative consequences do you want to avoid with these products or services?
- What features and benefits are most important to you about these products or services?