Activities for Kids

Fun in the sun

Place an object like a leaf, on a piece of coloured construction paper, and leave it in sunlight for a couple of hours. The sun will bleach the surrounding area cut to leave a cool leaf imprint.

Birthday Bonus

Wrap up one small, inexpensive gift for each year of age and put them in a festive bag. Open one gift a day starting with the day after the birthday, eases post-birthday let down.
Infants love paper. Give them a glossy magazine or thick catalogues. They will enjoy turning pages, scrunching, tearing, and throwing them. (discourage chewing)

Paper Airplanes

Check out this list of paper airplane designs to Fold and Fly.

Money Games

Teach your kids the fun in money. Here is a list of Money Games and activities.

Just to let you know, this page was last updated Thursday, Mar 06 25